“ Security as it should be”

Technological Solutions


Various technologies contribute to enhancing physical security by detecting, preventing, and responding to potential threats. Here are some common physical security technologies that we offer:

Central Command Centre & Alarm monitoring

Security monitoring systems

Smart CCTV systems with video analytics

Above market rate remuneration for officers

Smart access control systems

Intrusion detection systems

Real Time Guard tour systems

Incident reporting system

Smart Barrier System (with integrated license plate recognition system)

Electronic Occurrence Logs

Integrated visitor vehicular management systems

Air Protection Systems

Temperature Screening Kiosks

Live Image Captures

Inspection checks can be captured and recorded to date. You are able to report defects with images, and do not need to carry extra cameras.

GPS Intelligence

Intelligent monitoring system using modern telecommunications for industries to offer proof of attendance and quality assurance.

Live Reports to Command Centre

Writing of reports can be immediate, captured in real-time with images. Management can receive report directly on the phone and issues will be resolved immediately.

Tour and Checkpoint Analysis

The mobile app is designed to improve the way security guards handle and report their guard tour activities straight from the smartphones. It helps to streamline security processes and shorten the time required for various tasks.

Visitor Management

With our visitor management system, you know exactly who is on the premises and the duration of the visit. Blacklisted individuals attempting to enter the compound will be denied.

(+65) 6284-0050

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With experiences in handling up to 1200 manpower and over 100 different establishments, we at Primo Guards are well placed to secure your premises and be part of your growth.